• THG·自嘲的猫     拉升膨胀我不停歇(词根: tend / tent)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Merriam-Webster’s Vocabulary Builder

    词根: tend / tent
    词根释义:to stretch, extend, spread
    词根背景知识补充:extend最明显不过了吧,延伸;延长。比如写的论文太难了,老师总是把due的时间推了又推是吧:❤️The lecturer always extends the deadline by twenty-four hours.

    1. contentious [kən'tenʃəs]
    定义: having a tendency to pick fights; quarrelsome
    例句: The school board meeting lasted late into the night as contentious parents argued over every detail of the new bus routes.
    单词中文意思及词性:contentious adj. 有争议的;好争吵的
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:❤️Obamacare has been a very contentious issue. 奥巴马医保, 一直都饱受争议咯。之前还有句话说,“有争议是好事,一个连争议都没有的人,说明不值得关注。”so being contentious is a good thing. 那么这个词和“延长”这个词根有什么关联呢?because these contentious people sometimes go great lengths to start a fight.

    2. distend [dis'tend]
    定义: to swell or become expanded
    例句: Television viewers were shocked to see the distended bellies of the young children, usually a sigh of malnutrition and starvation.
    例句中文翻译:观众都被电视中那些由于营养不良和饥饿引起腹胀的儿童震惊了。这里我要说belly这个词。❤️肚皮舞belly dance不陌生咯~ ❤️belly up这个词组特别形象,大家想死鱼就是肚皮向上的,所以belly up表示“倒闭;破产”。
    单词中文意思及词性:distend v. 扩大;膨胀
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:举几个简单的例子说明一下这个词其实不学术,很好用:❤️Air distends a balloon. 空气使气球膨胀。❤️to distend the facts夸大事实。

    3. portend [pɔ:'tend, pəu-]
    定义: (1) to give a sign or warning beforehand (2) to indicate or signify
    例句: Although the warm spell in February was welcome, the huge puddles by the melting snowbanks portended the spring floods that were likely to follow.
    单词中文意思及词性:portend v.预示;意味着
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:这个词通常预示的都是不好的事情或灾难,比如portend chaos,注意选用。

    4. tendentious [ten'denʃəs]
    定义: learning toward a particular point of view; biased
    例句: In his later years, the professor wrote a series of tendentious essays attacking many modern novelists and praising authors from earlier eras.
    单词中文意思及词性:tendentious adj. 有偏见的
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:这个词其实特别好记,tend表示“趋势”,所以tendentious就是“有倾向的”,也就是说有偏见咯。这个句子让我想到了美国大选,候选人背后团队包装的理念就是要outstand candidate,哪怕是用过激的言论、有倾向性的演讲赢得支持。我搬运过来:Politicians will adopt a particular philosophy, and from that day on they will tend to view matters from that point of view. Facts are replaced by tendentious claims, and debates become predictable and unproductive.

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