• THG·自嘲的猫     周边(词根: peri)

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Merriam-Webster’s Vocabulary Builder

    词根: peri
    词根释义:going around something
    词根背景知识补充:这个词根简单例子比较少,periscope算是比较容易记忆的一个,我们说过scope表示“视野”,什么什么“镜”也老出现scope词根,比如telescope表示“望远镜”。所以periscope也是某镜,叫做潜望镜,戴上它可以see around corners。

    1. perimeter [pə'rimitə]
    定义: to boundary or distance around a body or figure
    例句: All along the city’s perimeter the guerrillas kept up their attack night after night.
    单词中文意思及词性:perimeter n. 周长;周界
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:The entire perimeter of Australia is bounded by water. 澳大利亚四周都是水。

    2. periodontal [,periə'dɔntəl]
    定义: surrounding the teeth
    例句: Years of bad living had filled his teeth with cavities, but it was periodontal disease that finished them off.
    单词中文意思及词性:periodontal adj. 牙周的
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:periodontist,牙周病医生。简单说来,牙周病比较严重,因为有可能会hold不住牙齿在本来应该在的位置(they can no longer hold the teeth in place)。

    3. peripatetic [,peripə'tetik]
    定义: (1) having to do with walking; (2) moving or traveling from place to place
    例句: She spent her early adult years as a peripatetic musician, traveling from one engagement to another.
    单词中文意思及词性:peripatetic n. 走来走去的人;adj. 巡游的
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:这个词其实是用来说哲学家亚里士多德的。peripatetic soul的状态就是wandering far and wide。但如今商界的“空中飞人”也可以用这个词:Today peripatetic executives and salespeople move from one job to the next and stare into laptop computers while flying from city to city. 你们觉不觉得stare into这里用的非常有画面感啊?(常见的“凝视”搭配是stare at sth.)

    4. peripheral /pəˈrɪfərəl/
    定义: (1) having to do with the outer edges, esp. of the field of vision; (2) auxiliary
    例句: The teacher seems to have eyes in the back of her head, but what she really had was excellent peripheral vision and a thorough knowledge of how ten-year-olds behave.
    单词中文意思及词性:peripheral adj. 外围的;次要的 n. 外部设备
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:比如老司机在开车的时候,周边视觉peripheral vision就很重要,尤其是在变道switch lanes的时候。

    1970-01-01   18赞       1踩       177浏览 评论(2)
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