• THG·自嘲的猫     进行的咋样(词根: ced / cess)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Merriam-Webster’s Vocabulary Builder

    词根: ced / cess
    词根释义:to go or proceed
    词根背景知识补充:process就是最好的诠释吧,“过程;进行” (means something that goes forward),相反recession表示“后退;衰退”。

    1. accede [æk'si:d]
    定义: (1) to give in to a request; (2) to give approval
    例句: Voters tend to worry when Congress seems to be acceding to the demands of too many special-interest groups.
    例句中文翻译:当国会似乎要应允很多小众团体的时候,选举者会比较担心。可以看出来这个不及物动词的搭配是❤️accede to sth同意某事
    单词中文意思及词性:accede v. 同意;应允
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:这个同意通常表示迫于压力下的应允,注意昂~看个句子:Eager shoppers do not accede to price reduction—they welcome them. 购物狂们欢迎降价。

    2. antecedent [,ænti'si:dənt]
    定义: (1) a preceding event; (2) one’s ancestor or parent
    例句: The harsh terms of the treaty that ended World War Ⅰ are often said to have been antecedents of World War Ⅱ.
    单词中文意思及词性:antecedent n. 祖先;前身 adj.先驱的;先行的
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:定语从句中说的“先行词”就是这个antecedent。❤️A is the antecedent of B表示“A是B的前身”。

    3. concession [kən'seʃən]
    定义: (1) the yielding of a privilege, often unwillingly; (2) an acknowledgment
    例句: When the company agreed to pay millions of dollars in damage claims, the payments were seen as a concession that somebody had done something wrong.
    例句中文翻译: 当公司同意为损害索赔支付巨额赔款时,这笔钱被看作是为某人的错误行为买单。
    单词中文意思及词性:concession n.让步;承认;退位
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:词组❤️make concessions 让步。concede这是本词的动词形式,常接宾语从句。Your boss may concede that she is at fault for something. 你老板也可能会就某事承认错误。这个句子里面可以学到的是be at fault for sth.=be responsible for sth.,连介词搭配都是一样的,记住哦~

    4. precedent [pri'si:dənt, 'presi-]
    定义: something done or said that may be an example or rule to guide later acts of a similar kind.
    例句: When Judy bought Christmas presents for all her relatives she claimed that it set no precedent, but it did.
    单词中文意思及词性:precedent n.先例;adj.在前的
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:看个句子People relies on precedents to provide some examples or rules to guide them. 这就是我们说的前车之鉴吧。

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