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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Merriam-Webster’s Vocabulary Builder

    词根: son
    词根背景知识补充:sonata,奏鸣曲,这个词不陌生吧,注意发音就是: [sə’nɑ:tə]。突然觉得Sony公司的名字取的太赞了。

    1. dissonant ['disənənt]
    定义: (1) clashing, esp. in music; (2) disagreeing
    例句: Critics of the health-care plan pointed to its two seemingly dissonant goals: cost containment, which would try to control spending, and universal coverage, which could increase spending.
    单词中文意思及词性:dissonant adj. 不和谐的;刺耳的

    2. resonance ['rezənəns]
    定义: (1) a continuing of sound; (2) a richness and variety in the depth and quality of sound
    例句: Audiences for both Star Wars and CNN are drawn to the resonance in the voice of James Earl Jones.
    例句中文翻译:《星战》和CNN的观众都被James Earl Jones那五腔共鸣的声音给吸引了。
    单词中文意思及词性:resonance n. 共鸣;共振
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:这里学到一个用法来形容别人的声音有厚度,❤️the resonance in the voice of sb.,如果要说某人声音有磁性可以说magnetic voice,或者你直接说sexy voice也可以(reference:有道词典)。

    3. sonic ['sɔnik]
    定义: (1) having to do with sound; (2) having to do with the speed of sound in the air
    例句: With a sonic depth finder, they determined the depth of the lake by bounding a sound signal off the bottom.
    例句中文翻译:通过回声探测仪,他们通过湖底反射回来的声波信号判断湖深。这个句子中我想多说一句bound这个词,这个词还可以表示“束缚”;因今天看的电影剧情中,合约里出现了这样的句子:You agree and accept to bound to the above agreement. 分享一下。
    单词中文意思及词性:sonic adj. 声速的;声音的
    介绍段落精简句型解析及推荐背诵句式:sonic boom声爆,今天仍被广泛应用。

    4. ultrasound ['ʌltrəsaund]
    定义: the use of sound vibration above the limits of human hearing to produce images with which to diagnose internal bodily condition
    例句: His doctor, who loved new technology, used CAT scans, MRI and ultrasound to view his various organs.
    例句中文翻译:他那个热爱新科技的一生,使用CAT scans(计算机辅助测试扫描)、MRI(核磁共振成像)和超声波来观察各类器官。
    单词中文意思及词性:ultrasound n. 超声波

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