• JULIE·Mlle     BBC | 女性的崛起

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    阿曼达·弗曼(Amanda Foreman)博士周游世界,翻阅从公元前10000年到现在女性创造和改变人类历史的故事。


    There has never been a better time to be a woman.

    My name is Amanda Foremanand as a historian and biographerI have spent my career studying women's lives.
    我是Amanda Foreman 是一名历史学家 也是传记作者 我整个职业生涯都在研究女性的生活

    This simpple truth is that our story has never followed a straight line from darkness to light.

    The real history of women is full of swings and reversionswith liberties gained and lost from one area and society to the next.
    女性的历史总是跌宕起伏 总是得而复失 从此处到彼处 从这代到下代

    I also think that you can judge a civilisation by the way it treats its women and the degree to which women have authority agency and autonomy.
    我觉得要想评判一个社会的文明程度 就要看看这个社会是如何对待女人的 看看这个社会中女性拥有几分权威 几分力量 几分自主

    Retell the story of civilisation with men and women side by side for the first time.

    Why did history becomr almost exclusively male?

    Why has almost every civilisation set limits on women's sexualityspeach and freedom of movement?
    为什么几乎所有的文明都要限制女性的性生活 话语权和行动自由

    And what makes the status of women so vulnerable to the dictates of politics economics or religion?
    到底是什么使得政治 经济 宗教之中的女性地位如此不堪一击

    Wu Zetian
    (February 17 624 – December 16 705) also known as Wu Zhao Wu Hou
    and during the later Tang dynasty as Tian Hou referred to in English as Empress Consort Wu or by the deprecated term.

    "Empress Wu" was a Chinese sovereign who ruled unofficially as Empress and later officially as Emperor of China during the brief Zhou dynasty ( 684-705) which interrupted the Tang dynasty (618–690 & 705–907).

    Wu was the only female emperor of China in more than four millennia.

    Christine de Pizan
    (also seen as de Pisan ; French pronunciation: [kʁistin də pizɑ̃] ) ; 1364 – c. 1430) was an Italian French late medieval author.

    In recent decades Christine de Pizan's work has been returned to prominence by the efforts of scholars such as Charity Cannon Willard Earl Jeffrey Richards and Simone de Beauvoir.

    Certain scholars have argued that she should be seen as an early feminist who efficiently used language to convey that women could play an important role within society.


    1970-01-01   226赞       24踩       11212浏览 评论(45)
女 戏骨lv62


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