• George乔哥     [萌宠成长记 (番外 1)]狗狗们的单词肿么说?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Hi~ George 正在制作“萌宠成长记”系列节目



    1. Golden Retriver 金毛(黄金巡回猎犬)

    The Golden Retriever is a large-sized breed of dog bred as gun dogs to retrieve shot waterfowl such as ducks and upland game birds during hunting and shooting parties, and were named 'retriever' because of their ability to retrieve shot game undamaged.

    2. Samoyed 萨摩耶

    The Samoyed is a breed of dog that takes its name from the Samoyedic peoples of Siberia. These nomadic reindeer herders bred the fluffy white dogs to help with the herding, and to pull sleds when they moved.

    3. Husky 哈士奇

    Husky is a general name for a type of dog used to pull sleds in northern regions, differentiated from other sled-dog types by their fast pulling style. The Alaskan Malamute, by contrast, is "the largest and most powerful" sled dog, and was used for heavier loads. Huskies are used in sled dog racing.

    4. Labrador Retriever 拉布拉多犬

    The Labrador Retriever, is a type of retriever-gun dog. Labradors are frequently trained to aid the blind, those who have autism, to act as a therapy dog and perform screening and detection work for law enforcement and other official agencies. They are prized as sporting and hunting dogs.

    5. Border Collie 边境牧羊犬

    The Border Collie is a working and herding dog breed developed in the Anglo-Scottish border region for herding livestock, especially sheep. It was specifically bred for intelligence and obedience.

    1970-01-01   92赞       2踩       3301浏览 评论(28)
男 男一号lv44


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