• 四叔喵爱宅总兔     歌词不一定要唱(1)〈No rest for the wicked〉

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    No Rest For The Wicked - Lykke Li

    My one heart hurt another

    So only one life can't be enough

    Can you give me just another

    For that one who got away

    Lonely I, I'm so alone now

    There'll be no rest for the wicked

    There's no song for the choir

    There's no hope for the weary

    If you let them win without a fight

    If one heart can mend another

    Only then can we begin

    So won't you hold on a little longer

    Don't let them get away

    Lonely I, I'm so alone now

    There'll be no rest for the wicked

    There's no song for the choir

    There's no hope for the weary

    If you let them win without a fight

    I let my good one down

    I let my true love die

    I had his heart but I broke it everytime

    Lonely I, I'm so alone now

    There'll be no rest for the wicked

    There's no song for the choir

    There's no hope for the weary

    If you let them win without a fight

    I let my good one down

    I let my true love die

    I had his heart but I broke it everytime

    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       75浏览 评论(2)
女 资深龙套lv13


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