• 柯柯魔     美国小伙看中国风俗 13

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《本杰明·巴顿奇事》

    Pets hold a special place in my heart. I love pets. Growing up I have had four cats and five dogs (not all at the same time though, haha). That is one thing that I miss while living in a small apartment. Chinese people seem to love their pets too. So, I would like to talk about cats and dogs in China.

    These are very well trained dogs

    Most people like dogs. In the city, Chinese people seem to have small or medium sized dogs. In fact, I have seen more small dogs here than I have in the US. The only time I have seen big dogs is in the suburbs and in the countryside, since big dogs need more space. Apartments are good enough for small dogs, since they don’t need much space. Also, the dogs here seem better trained than the dogs I have seen in my neighborhood back in the US. The dogs I have seen don't try to chase me, or bark at me, and they always follow their owner. Well, I haven’t been chased by a dog in China yet.

    It's a Siamese cat

    Cats are also very popular in both of our countries. They are easy to take care of, and are quite independent. They also do well in apartments. But my favorite place was in a café in Suzhou I went to, where the owner’s cats kept jumping up on the table and wanted to play with me. Of course, in the US a place like this would be shut down (as it would not be “clean”), but I love how a place like this exists in China. Shame that most apartments in the city don’t allow cats though.

    These are the pets that I see the most of in China. However, in my next article, I will talk about some of the more “interesting” pets I have seen in this country. What do you think? Do you like cats and dogs? Do you own a pet? Let me know!


    This is my sleepy cat sitting on my lap

    1970-01-01   50赞       0踩       2188浏览 评论(17)
男 中级配角lv28


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