• 柯柯魔     奇怪美国菜

    • Fish and chips. Possibly the most traditional of all British dishes.

    • 炸鱼薯条。几乎家喻户晓的英国传统美食。

    • from:《BBC 英国最爱食物-炸鱼薯条2》

    The other day, I talked about “interesting” traditional British foods. Some users wanted to hear about "interesting" American food, so I will talk about that this topic in this EnlighteNote. After all, the US has more than just hamburgers, hotdogs (which are actually German), and French fries (which are actually Belgian). Here are a few:

    Deep Fried Coke

    Yes, this is a thing. In some states like Texas, they deep fry Coca Cola and butter, add some whipped cream, cinnamon, sugar, and a cherry. It is very sweet, but could probably give you a heart attack. Each cup probably has 830 calories (克卡).

    In the same place, they also deep fry rattlesnake (响尾蛇). It is served like chicken nuggets (鸡块). They can be served with salsa or ketchup.


    In Louisiana, some restaurants like to serve alligator. Sometimes it is deep fried, sometimes it is grilled. I ate grilled alligator tail before, in a sauce. Unlike the others, I actually think this is delicious.

    Rocky Mountain Oysters

    Uhm……..the name is different from what this actually is. These are deep fried bull testicles. Maybe they are tasty, maybe they aren’t….but I don’t want to try these really.
    These are some regional American dishes, so if you go to America, not every restaurant will have these. And if they do not sound good, then you can go to McDonalds :P



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