• 柯柯魔     A Beautiful Mind

    • A Beautiful Mind showed the striking contrast between his genius and his illness.

    • 《美丽心灵》展示了他天才和疾病之间的惊人对比。

    • from:《Beautiful Mind John Nash dies at 86》


    Have you seen “A Beautiful Mind”?  It is a great movie.  It is the story about mathematician John Nash and his struggle with schizophrenia.  However, it is different from what really happened to John Nash. 

    Here are some differences between the movie and reality:

    -In the movie, John has the disease when he is in college.  In real life, he had the disease 9 years after he had graduated.


    -The disease that John has in the movie caused him to imagine several people.  In reality, John’s disease caused him to be very paranoid and only heard voices of imaginary people.


    -The movie he is only married once, and he and his wife Alice stay together after the diagnosis.  In reality, he was already divorced and had a child before he met Alice.  He and Alice also divorced and separated in 1963.  After he won the Nobel Prize in 1994, he and Alice got back together, and remarried in 2001.


    Although the movie is not accurate, it is still a good movie.  It is a good tribute to a man who helped change the ideas of game theory (对策论).  Rest in Peace Mr. Nash.



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