• 柯柯魔     美国南方的句子

    • I wish the guys could see this. Hey-howdy-hey. That's me. I'm on a yo-yo.

    • 真希望我的朋友们能来分享,哇塞,是我耶,我有溜溜球。

    • from:《玩具总动员2》


    Just like many countries, different parts of the US have different accents and use different words. For example, you can guess were someone is from in the US for what word they use to say 可乐 (typically in the North they say pop, in the South they say cola or soda, in Georgia they say coke). Because in this clip Woody said “howdy”, we can easily guess that his English is supposed to be from the South/SouthWest of the US.

    So, if you ever are in the American South or South West, here are some phrases you can say to the locals:
    Howdy: Hello
    Ex: Howdy y’all! How are you today?
    Bless your heart: thank you
    To Break Bad: doing very bad things
    Ex: Walter White decided one day that he wanted to break bad.
    All hat no cattle: you say you will are famous/very good at something, but in reality you aren’t
    Ex: When it comes to speaking English, KeKeMo is all hat and no cattle.
    人 doesn’t know 他/她 own butt from a hole in the ground: you are stupid
    Ex: KeKeMo doesn’t know his own butt from a hole in the ground.
    Does a bear shit in the woods? : It just means “Yes”
    Ex: “Are you hungry?” “Does a bear shit in the woods?”
    Yee-Haw: I am happy, so I must yell to show people how happy I am


    1970-01-01   58赞       0踩       1643浏览 评论(33)
男 中级配角lv28


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