• 柯柯魔     柯柯魔带你了解太空竞赛是什么?

    • I believe that this nation should commit itself

    • 我相信我国人民能够齐聚一心

    • from:《变形金刚3》


    What exactly was the space race? Obviously, Transformers presents one version, but what was it really?


    The Space Race was a competition between the Soviet Union and the US to see who could send people the furthest into space. It started first in 1955, when the Soviet Union launched Sputnik into space, making it the first satellite to orbit around the Earth. In 1961, the Soviet Union also launched the first manned satellite into space, making Yuri Gagarin the first man in space.

    太空竞赛是一个美国和苏伟太空竞赛。在1955年苏伟发射卫星Sputnik,第一个卫星。在1961,苏伟发射第一个有人的火箭,有Yuri Gagarin。

    The US was losing. In 1961, President John F Kennedy announced to the US that they would try to send a manned rocket to the moon. Sadly, he would not live to see his promise come true. In 1969, Apollo 11, named after the Greek god, landed on the moon, making the American astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin the first men on the moon. The Soviets could not achieve the same success. The US would send 6 more ships to the moon.

    美国在太空竞赛不是第一地位。在1961,Kennedy总统讲美国会发射有人的火箭到月。在1969,他的讲话得志。Apollo 11,(Apollo是希腊神人的名字)到月,送到Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin月上。苏伟不可能发射到月的火箭,所以美国赢了。

    1970-01-01   23赞       2踩       447浏览 评论(16)
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